
  The Flood in Bangladesh

Introduction: Flood is a common phenomenon is Bangladesh. Our country is a low land. It has many rivers. She is also in the monsoon area. It rains heavily during the monsoon period. So floods are very common in our country. Almost every year flood visits our country.
What it is: A flood is a large amount of water spread in over a place that is usually dry.
Damage: It causes a heavy damage to our life and properties. Houses are destroyed, cattle are washed away corps are greatly damaged and trees are uprooted. Thousands of people become homeless or shelter less. They remain without food for many days. All communications from the outside word is cut off.
The flood of 1988 broke the records of the past. Never before did water level rise so high nor was the duration so long. The whole country went under water. All communication was cut off. Normal activities were stopped or suspended for a long time. The miseries of the affected people know no bounds. Crops were greatly damaged. Herds of cattle were washed away. Thousands of people died. In a word the havoc was so great that it took a long time to repair the loss.
After effect: The after effect of floods are more serious, Famine breaks out. Many people die for want of food. The prices of all necessary things go up Many dangerous diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery etc. break out in an epidemic form.
Merit : Floods do a little good to man. During floods our rivers carry a great deal of silt which makes the land fertile. As a result many kinds of crops grow in plenty floods also carry away waste matters.
Relief work: During and after the flood the relief work should go on. Other side the miseries of the affected people will increase. During the flood government and some other voluntary organizations come forward to help the food affected people.
Conclusion: Floods cause a huge loss to our lives and property. All the rivers should be re excavated and good drainage system should be introduced. A large number of sluice and outlets should be made for the easy passing of rain water.

My Favorite Hobby/Gardening

Introduction: Man is born free and he has the habit of free hiking and power of doing something spontaneously. Every man has his own choice, attitude, belief, inclination and above all personality. Every man has his own hobby and he cherishes it duly. What is business to one man, may be a hobby to another. It is practically followed as an amusement.

Meaning of Hobby :  Hobby, according to Oxford Dictionary, is one’s favorite, occupation, not one’s main business’. It may not be somebody’s main business, but it does not depend on for one’s living but it is no less important than one’s main business. It is usually followed during leisure. A man cannot enjoy his leisure without a hobby. Pursuit of hobbies has everlasting effect in making us active and interested in doing something, this or that. Without it life becomes dull and monotones.
Kinds of hobby :  There are many kinds of hobbies which depend on the mood and ways of life of person collecting postage, gardening, fishing etc. are some of the common forms. Other hobbies take the form of game and sports. Great men of the world like Alexander, Washington, Napoleon, Tolstoy, Rabindranath, Bernard Show-all had their hobbies.
My favorite hobby/What is my hobby :  Being a student, I do have a very busy schedule. Beside attending classes, I have to appear at different examination round the year. At times this seems to me quite tedious and uninteresting. In order to escape from such monotony and its harmful effects, I refresh myself by means of a hobby and it is gardening.
Why favorite/Why do I like it?/Reason for my choice :  One may wonder why I should give time and energy to such an unproductive work. One may say it is a waste of time and energy. I do not feel or thing it so. I spend only one hour daily in my garden. This strengthens my body and refreshes my mind. Every day in the morning I feel a great pleasure when I see my garden full of various flowers. I am charmed at when they are tossing their heads in gentle breeze. In the afternoon I find pleasure in spending a quiet time in the garden. At night when the sweet scent of flowers come into my room with air, it makes me very happy and fills up my mind with heavenly peace and interest. Almost four years have passed since I picked up  my gardening as hobby. Now it has become a part of my life. In fact, a beautiful garden it self is a constant source of pleasure.
Preparation :  I have turned a small plot of land into a garden. The lands is in front of our house so that the naughty boys and cattle can do no harm to my flower plants and other vegetables grown in garden.
My activities/How I work with my hobby/My responsibility for my garden :  My garden is in front of our house. Wherever I find time I work in it. I make the soil loose with a spade, weed out the grass and plant flower plants in it. I grow flowers in its one half and vegetables in the other. The flowers that I get regularly include the roses and belly. However, various kinds of seasonal flowers also add to the beauty of my garden. I grow cauliflowers, Cabbages, Data including the seasonal vegetables in my garden. Sometimes I sow seeds of some plants and water them regularly. Thus I do everything myself like digging, manuring, watering etc. and take all possible care of it.
Usefulness/benefits :  One may ask why I like gardening as my hobby. This is because it does me a lot of good. I get many benefits from my garden. Before I made this garden I was sickly boy, I lost my appetite and became very weak. But when I have started this garden and worked in it for sometime, my healthy improved. Now I am quite a healthy boy both physically and mentally. Beside this, I grow some vegetables in my garden. This saves a lot of our family expenses.
Conclusion :  A hobby is necessary to foster for the purpose of making our life enjoyable. My hobby is a sources of healthy, wealth and pleasure to me, I always take a mighty pride in my hobby.

  A Village Market

Introduction: In general sense market is a place where buying and selling goods are performed. A village market is a public place where village people meet to buy and sell goods necessary for daily life. So a village market is very essential to the village people.
Place/Site/Where held/Location: A village market is generally held at a particular place. Most of the village markets are situated on the bank of a river or canal. It often stands by the side of a high way or a railway station. In fact a village market offers a very easy and cheap means of communication.
Kind of village market: There are two kinds of village market the daily market and periodic market. The daily market or bazaar sits in every morning and breaks up before noon. Fish, vegetable, milk and what not are sold there. The periodic market or hat sits at noon once or twice a week and it breaks up late in the evening. Some village markets deal in cows, goats, buffaloes etc.
Kind of shops/Articles for sale/ Arrangement of shops: A village market has different kinds of shop. Shops are arrange according to articles for sale. Generally permanent shops and temporary shops are the basic factors of the village market. But in the real sense of the form, a village market has there sections – on open space, temporary sheds and permanent sheds. Milk, vegetables, betel- nuts, fruits etc. are sold in the open space. The temporary sheds are for selling oil, fish, salt, gur, spices and other stationary items. The permanent shop are for selling cloth, requirements. Some permanent shops such as barber’s shop. black-smith;s shop, tea-stalls can also be seen in a village market. The tea stalls are generally kept open all day long.
Article for sale:  A village market supplies the daily necessaries to the villager. The common items that are sold in a village, are food crops such as rice, wheat, pulse, flour etc. Seeds and seedlings, vegetables, fish, meat, grocery, pottery and molasses are available in a village market. Besides, jute, cotton, animal skin, clothes, seasonal fruits etc. are bought and sold in a village market. There the fish market is a very noisy place. Higgling is mostly done in those places. Fish milk, vegetables, rich, pulse etc. are generally cheaper in the village market because these are available in the village. Clothes, shoes, suit cases are dearer or costly because they are bought here from the towns paying charges of conveyance.
Attraction:  A village market is full of attraction. The fish market is the finest attraction to the villagers. The vegetables market is also enjoyable.
Noise and activity:  A village market is full of fixed price of many things. Generally articles are sold on higgling. Buyers sometimes become embarrassed in buying goods. The area where the fishermen sit for the sale of fish, is the most crowed part is a village market.
Necessity:  A village market is vitally co-related with the rural life. The village people cannot always go to the town to buy had sell useful things. So they none to go to the village market to meet their needs. In fact, a village market is an essential place.
Usefulness/Importance/Utility:  The usefulness or importance of a village market is very great. The life of the villagers would become difficult without a village market. It full fills the basic needs both economically and socially. A critic opines, “The soul of the village market is wholly related with that of the villagers.
In village markets local villagers sell their goods they product and buy what they need. All kinds of food and daily necessaries are sold and bought there. It is a business center. It also serves as the meeting place of the villagers. The villagers can meet each other and exchange views on different matter. So a village market is very useful to the villagers.
Drawback/Disadvantages/Demerits: There are some disadvantages in village markets. It crests disturbances. It is a noisy and unhealthy place. There is no public sweepers for sweeping away rubbish and filth from the market. The villagers quarrel over trifling matters. They sometimes waste their valuable time by gossiping. Fancy articles are not available in a village market. In some village markets medicine shops are not available.
Merit: In spite of all these disadvantage, a village market renders great services to the rural people. It saves them from the hands of the hanker who sell their articles at an exorbitant price. It also saves the poor people from the trouble and expense of going to a distant place for the purchase of articles of daily need.
Conclusion:  Finally it can said that a village market plays a very vital role and is an important part of the village people. It does a great deal of benefits to the people of the villages. Peoples of the villages can not do even a single day without a village market. So this place of national interest should be kept free from hygienic in all ways. It is expected that the Govt. should take effective plan to market village market more beneficial for the village life.

 Rivers in Bangladesh

Introduction: Bangladesh is are riverine country. There are criss-crossed many big and small rivers. The Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna are the big and wide rivers. The Buriganga, the Sitalakshya, the Dhaleswari, the Teesta, the Madhumati, the Gumati and the Karnafuli are small rivers. Most of the rivers of our coutnry rise from the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal.
Importance of our agriculture: There are hundreds of big and small rivers in our country. The rivers are the source of our wealth. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The prosperity of agriculture depends on the rivers. These rivers have made the soil fertile. So rice, jute, tea and other drops grow in plenty here.

Source of fish: Our rivers abound with fish. Fish is an important wealth our fishermen catch are huge quantity of fish. They earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting fish. Fish is our main item of food.

Importance for communication : Our rivers are important for communication or transport. Boats, laucnhes and steamers move on these rivers in all seasons. Men and goods are carried from one town to another, from one port to another.
Importance in the fields of Trade, Commerce and Industries : Most of the cities, towns, industries, hats, bazars, trade centres are on the bank of rivers. The products of mills, factories and industries are easity carried to different places through rivers, Raw materials from far and near can be carried easily to our industries. Thus our rivers help in commerce, trade and industry.
Surce of Power and Electricity : Some of our rivers are source of energy. Goalpara and Karnafuli hydroo-electric projects are used to solve electricity problem.
Influence of rivers on the people: The rivers have are great influence on the people of our country. We love the rivers, its water and music. Much of our joys and happiness depend on rivers.
Demerits: Sometimes the rivers cause great damage to our life and property. In the rainy season the rivers overflow their banks and cause flood. People suffer untold sufferings.
Conclusion : The rivers of Bangladesh help us lot in the progress and prosperity. In spite of the little harm, the rivers are useful to us in many ways. They are the source of our wealth, health and happiness.

 Value of Time
Introduction: Human life is very short. But they have many thins to do. Time flies  on quickly like an arrow. So it is said that time and tide wait for none. It is clear that time is a very valuable asset. It has a great value in human life.
How to use it: We do not generally use time properly. So we can not complete the work of our life. We must remember that success of life largely depends on the proper use of time. All great man of the world made proper use of time.
Waste of time: Wasting time is a sin. If time is waste it well be the cause of our misery and ruin.
It is valuable to all: Time is valuable to us all. All the sections of the people like employees, farmers labors, artisans, students and others should use time in proper way to succeed in life.
Effects of idleness: Idleness is a curse and idle persons are burdens on society. They while away their time by gossiping and merriment. They always put off their work for tomorrow and they suffer in the long run.
Importance of time: Time is more valuable than health and wealth. We can get back lost health and lost wealth but we can not get back the lost time. The value of time can be realized only when it is properly utilized.
Conclusion: Life is short but art is long. Life is measured not by years but by deeds. So we can not and should not waste time. We should make the best use of our time. Our next generation will not forgive us, if we fail to finish our works in due time.

Your Favourite Book

Introduction: Books introduce us into the best society. They bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that every lived. They are our best companions in life. They are always ready to be our side. They also increase our knowledge.
My choice:  I am a student. I have read many books. They are traveling accounts, discoveries, adventures, biographies and novels. The story book that I like most of all.
Name of the book and its author:  My favorite book is “The Return of the Native” The name of the author of this book is Thomas Hardy. He is very favous English novelist. This nevel was first published in 1878. It is generally regarded as his masterpiece.
Objective of the book: Thomas Hardy points out that chances and coincidences are parts of life and these are absorbed into the moral scheme of the novel. It is written for the readers who are fond of thrill and excitement.
The summary of the story: The novel “The Return of the Native”s centers round the subject and compilation that arose as a result characters are Clym Yeobright and Eustachian Vie. Eustacia, the, the heroine of the novel becomes interested in Clym and tries to attract his attention. At a time Clym marries her inspire of the objections of his mother.
After their marriage they are living in a small house at Alder worth Beyond East Egdon. But their marriage proves to be failure, because of the incompatibility of temperaments. At a moment, Eustacia dies by drowing. Thus the novel is ended through the tragic events.
The character:  “The Return of the Native” contains Hardg’s great characters, Eustacia and Clym. The main characters¾ Mrs. Yeobright. Thomas in, Wiledeve and Diggory belong to Egdon Health. Although the novels in named after Clyme, Eustacia is the central character of the novel.
Why it is favorite to me:  The novelist has given expression to his tragic vision of life in this novel. The book is full of chances and coincidences. The story is very interesting and thrilling. So it is great favourite to me.
Conclusion:  This novel gave me much pleasure and sorrow. It enables me to understand life. So I like this novel best.

The Computer

Introduction: Science is the driving force of modern civilization. The computer can work as a substitute for human brain. Computer is an ultra modern electronic device for storing and analyzing information fed into it. It has no capacity to do anything by itself. It works on the basis of commands given by the operator.
Its invention:  A British professor of Mathematics named Charles Babez deserve the credit of the invention of the computer. Computer was not invented over night. It book long time and hard labor to invent computer. Many votaries of science worked hard. Thus computer is the result of hard labor of many votaries of science. First of all Pascal invented the theory of “Digital Calculating System” 1942. Though his attempts were not crowned with success, he initiated the research which hastened the way to the invention o computer. Finally Mr. Howard Akin, an American scientist invented such a machine is 1937 that could do difficult sums. So the credit for the invention of modern computer goes to. Howard Akin. After seven years electric computer was used in Harvard University in 1944. After that many other computers have been invented such as EDSAC in 1945 and ENTACE in 1946 etc.
Its parts:  A computer has mainly three parts (I) central processing unit. (ii) input and (iii) out put. The centeral processing unit is the brain of the computer. The input purt receives signals and the output part givens the result.
Programming: The questions are arranged through some signals and sent to the machine. This signalling is called a program. Different programming languages are used in different computers.
How it functions : At first the questions are sent to the receiver machine. The receiver machine then sends them to the preservation machine. Thousands of words and numbers are arranged in the preservation machine. They are brain or memory or the computer. The central machine carries out the directions of the machine and finds out the solution. Finally the result comes out the output part of the computer.
Advantage: Computers now help man in innumerable ways. It calculates sums correctly. It can translate and part of literature. Many work of mills and factories are being done by computers. Computers do most of the agricultural works. The computer is helping the scientists a lot in conquering the space.
Conclusion: The computer is of great use to us. It is the greatest contribution of science. It will make the unemployment problem acute. In spite of this, we can not but welcome it.

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