UpWork Test Answer


If you follow these questions you will secure position in top 20%. Its guaranteed. Just carefully read the instructions. We generally find multiple choice questions having four options. But in Upwork you will find questions having two, three, five or more options. But in Upwork time is limited. For the non native English speakers it is tough to answer the questions in time. Here, I have categorized the questions as 1. Four Options Questions. 2. Questions Having 2,3,5 or more options 3. True/False 4. Options ends with 'All of the above/None of the above'. Now, just copy them and get it printed in different pages. When you sit for test, get ready the printed copies beside you. Look at the questions, read the question. whether it is four options; 2,3,5 or more; true/false, or the last option ends with 'none of the above/all of the above'. You will easily find the answer. I know, if you simply follow the questions you will secure position in top 20%. And if you follow my instruction you will be in to 10%. 

1. How many sets of color values for the pixels under the pointer are displayed when you work with a color adjustment dialog box?
            a. Four.          
b. Two.          
c. Six.             
d. Eight.
2. Which Mode of the Air Brush tool has created the black effect shown in the image?
            a. Dissolve mode.               
b. Multiply mode.
c. Hard light mode.             
d. Overlay mode.
3. Which tool has led to the effect within the encircled area in the image?
            a. Dodge tool.
b. Burn tool.
            c. Sponge tool.
            d. Bucket tool.
4. Which of the below steps has to be performed to open a note or play an audio annotation?
            a. File open.
            b. Choose View > Show.
            c. Double-click the icon.
            d. Press Backspace.
5. The effect in the encircled area is the result of which Tool or Filter?
            a. Render Filter.
            b. Texture Filter.
            c. Sharpen Tool.
            d. Burn tool.
6. Which Tool or Option gave the encircled area an orange color?
            a. Alt+Del.
            b. Magic wand.
            c. Layer properties.
            d. Edit Fill.
7. Which tool is activated by default, when a color adjustment dialog box is opened?
            a. The eyedropper tool.
            b. The airbrush tool.
            c. The lasso tool.
            d. The magic wand.

8. Which of the below operations is to be performed to reverse all changes made to the image since it was last saved?
            a. Choose Edit > Undo.
            b. Choose Edit > Purge.
            c. Choose File > Revert.
            d. Choose Edit > Step Backward.
9. Which below tool is shown in the picture?
            a. Magnetic lasso tool.
            b. Polygonal lasso tool.
            c. Magic wand.
            d. Move tool.
10. Which Tool or Effect has led to the effect in the image?
            a. Gradient tool.
            b. Paint bucket tool.
            c. History brush tool.
            d. Eye dropper.
11. What does the encirled area represent?
            a. Load selection.
            a. Save selection.
            a. New channel.
            a. Create channel.
12. What does the encircled area represent?
            a. Load channel as selection.
            b. Save selection
            c. New channel.
            d. Create channel.
13. Which tool among the following allows you to create “Arrow heads”?
            a. Marquee tool.
            b. Gradient tool.
            c. Line tool.
            d. Paint bucket tool.
14. To use the Apply Image command, the destination and source images:
            a. Must have the same pixel dimension.
b. Must be in the same folder.
c. Must have the same color mode.
d. Must be open.
15. What does the encircled area in the image represent?
            a. Create new set.
            b. Add layer style to current layer.
            c. Add layer mask.
            d. Create new fill or adjustment layer.
16. What is the role of “Edit” in the gradient tool options?
            a. It is used for editing the colors for gradation.
b. For editing the pixel dimensions.
            c. For applying the gradient.
            d. There is no such option provided.
17. What will be the most suitable option if you have to replace parrot green with red color in the image. The layers in the image are merged.
            a. Use magic wand, select green color and fill red.
            b. Select preserve Transparency in the Layer palette and fill red.
            c. Edit > Fill.
            d. Create a new image.
18. Which of the below tools is shown in the picture?
            a. Free form pen tool.
            b. Direct selection tool.
            c. Convert path point tool.
            d. Move tool.
19. What happens when you create a “Note”?
            a. A new layer is created by default.
            b. A resizable window appears for entering text.
c. Option window opens up.
d. Guidelines on how to create notes come up.
20. In the brush option palette, what is the role of “Hardness”?
            a. It controls the distance between the brush marks in the stroke.
            b. It controls the size of the brush.
            c. It controls the size of the hard center of the brush.
            d. It determines the shape of the brush.
21. What does a “Magic wand tool” let you do?
            a. It distorts the unwanted areas magically.
            b. It selects a consistently colored area.
            c. It selects layer based image.
            d. There is no such tool.
22. Which of the below is not the function of “Alt Tag” in the Slice options window?
            a. The Alt Tag appears in place of the slice image in non-graphical browsers.
            b. The Alt Tag appears in place of the image while the image is downloading.
            c. It lets you specify an Alt tag for a selected slice or slices.
            d. It lets you change the default message in the browser’s status area.
23. Which one of the below is the first step to publish the images online, through Adobe Photoshop.
            a. Click Source to specify the folder containing the images you want to export.
            b. Choose File > Automate > Web Photo Gallery.
            c. Select a style for the gallery from the Styles pop-up menu.
            d. There is no such option available in Photoshop.
24. How many speeds does the Playback Options command give you, so that you can watch each command as it is carried out?
            a. Four speeds at which to play actions.
            b. Only one speed at which to play actions.
            c. Three speeds at which to play actions.
            d. There is no such option.
25. What does “Rubber stamp tool” let you do?
            a. It is used to erase the unwanted area.
            b. It is used for cloning.
            c. It is used for spreading color pixels.
            d. It is used for sampling the last saved version of the file.
26. Why is the “Stroke command” used?
            a. To paint a colored border around a selection or layer.
            b. To delete a colored border around a selection or layer.
            c. To give a matte look to the edges of the picture.
            d. To sharpen the border around the image.
27. What is the role of “Dodge tool”?
            a. It is used to darken areas in an image.
            b. It is used to lighten areas in an image.
            c. It is used to spread color pixels across an area of an image.
            d. It is used to darken the dark colors in an image.
28. What does “Accelerated” in the Playback options let you do ?
            a. To complete each command and redraw the image before going on to the next command in
the action.
            b. To play the action at normal speed (the default).
            c. Both a and b.
            d. There is no such option provided.
29. What is the role of “Info palette” and “Color palette”?
            a. To see the color value of pixels as you make color corrections.
            b. To edit the color value of pixels.
            c. To change the mode of colors.
            d. Both a and c.
30. How many colors are used when an image is given a “Grayscale mode”?
            a. 50 shades of black and 50 shades of white.
            b. 99 shades of black and 1 shade of white.
            c. Upto 256 shades of gray.
            d. 80 shades of white and 20 shades of black.
31. What does “Fade out rate” in the Eraser tool let you do?
            a. Allows to control the pressure of erasing.
            b. Allows to choose the eraser as a paint brush, air brush, pencil or block.
            c. Controls the rate at which the eraser stroke fades.
            d. None.
32. The Create Droplets command lets you ….
            a. Create small droplets on the document you are working on.
            b. Create an application which helps in applying an action.
            c. Create droplets on a new layer in the same document you are working on.
            d. Apply droplet filter.
33. Which of the below is the first step to import annotations?
            a. Choose File > Import > Annotations.
            b. Select the file that contains the annotations, and then click Open.
            c. Annotations cannot be imported.
            d. Both a and b.
34. What does the “Purge command” let you do?
            a. Reverts all changes made to the image since it was last saved.
            b. Restores part of an image to its previously saved version.
            c. Permanently clears from memory the operation stored by the command or buffer.
            d. There is no such command in Photoshop.

The questions having 2, 3, 5 or more Options

35. Which of the below are “Primary colors”?
            a. RGB.
            b. CMYK.
36. What does “The red box” in the image indicate?
            a. Foreground color.
            b. Background color.
37. What does duplicating an action or command do?
            a. It lets you make changes to it without losing the original version.
            b. It sets new values and saves the previous ones by default.
38. To add more of a selection, to an existing pixel selection, which of the below is used?
            a. Hold down Shift and drag to add another selection.
            b. Hold down Alt and drag to add another selection.
39. What does the “history brush tool” let you do?
            a. Lets you jump to any recent state of the image created during the current working
            b. Lets you paint a copy of one state or snapshot of an image into the current image 
40. To subtract more of a selection, to an existing pixel selection, which of the below is used?
            a. Hold down Shift and drag to add another selection.
            b. Hold down Alt and drag to add another selection.
41. What happens if you double-click the slice with the slice select tool?
            a. It displays the Save for Web dialog box.
            b. It selects the slice.
            c. It display the Slice Options dialog box.
42. What does the term “Resampling” refer to?
            a. Changing the pixel dimensions of an image.
            b. Locking the pixels of an image.
            c. Copying an image.
43. What does the Anti alias Post Script option let you do, when you open a PDF or an EPS file?
            a. It maintains the hard edges of line art as it is rasterized.
            b. It removes jagged edges from a pasted or placed selection.
            c. None of the above.
44. What does the “Stop command” let you do in the Actions palette?
            a. It lets you include a path as part of an action.
            b. It lets you save the actions before moving further.
            c. It lets you add stops in your action that let you perform a task that cannot be
45. The maximum file size and pixel dimension which Photoshop supports is:
            a. File size of 1 GB and maximum pixel dimensions of 15,000 by 15,000 pixels per
            b. File size of 1GB with no limit to pixel dimensions
            c. File size of 2 GB and maximum pixel dimensions of 300,000 by 300,000 pixels per
46. Which of the below is not the function of the “Convert direction point tool”?
            a. Lets you convert a smooth curve to a sharp curve.
            b. Lets you add and delete anchor points from a path.
            c. Lets you convert a straight segment to a curve.
47. What does the option “Message Text” in the Slice option window let you do?
            a. It lets you specify an Alt tag for a selected slice or slices.
            b. It lets you change the default message in the browser’s status area for a selected
            slice or slices.
            c. None of the above.
48. Which of the below file formats can be used when you choose to optimize images?
            a. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format).
            b. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group).
            c. PNG-8 or PNG-24 (Portable Network Graphics, with 8-bit or 24-bit color).
            d. All of the above.
            e. None of the above.
49. Which step has to be performed first to give “Stroke to text”?
            a. Merge down.
            b. Preserve transparency.
            c. Edit-Stroke.
            d. Rasterize type.
            e. None of the above.
50. You use the Edit -> Define Pattern command to create new patterns based on a selection. Which of the following statements is true while defining a pattern:
            a. The selected area can be of any shape.
            b. The selected area should have feather of 1 pixel.
            c. The selected area should be a rectangle.
            d. The selected area should be a square.
            e. The mode of the image should be RGB.
            f. The color mode of the pattern and the image where the pattern is to be applied
            should be the same.  


51. The rubber stamp tool can be used to clone an area containing pixels from all the visible layers and layer sets.
            a. True.
            b. False.
52. The Snapshot command lets you make a temporary copy of any state of the image.
            a. True.
            b. False.
53. Corrections made to an image, which uses RGB color spaces, are preserved regardless of the monitor, computer, or output device used. State whether the statement is true or false
            a. True.
            b. False.
54. “Feathering” blurs edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and its surrounding pixels.
            a. True.
            b. False.
55. Locked layers can be moved to a different location within the Layers palette, but they can’t be deleted.
            a. True.
            b. False.
56. The Image Size command lets you adjust the pixel dimensions, print dimensions, and resolution of an image.
            a. True
            b. False
57. The “Magnetic lasso” only detects edges within the specified distance from the pointer.
            a. True.
            b. False.
58. Playing actions that insert complex paths may require significant amounts of computer memory.   
a. True.
            b. False.
59. To apply a “Blur filter” to the edges of a layer, it is necessary to deselect the preserve Transparency option in the Layers palette.
            a. True.
            b. False.
60. The “Lasso and Polygon lasso tools” let you draw both straight-edged and freehand segments of a selection border.
            a. True.
            b. False.
61. “Merge visible” compresses all unhidden layers into a single layer.
            a. True.
            b. False.
62. With the “Magnetic lasso tool”, the border snaps to the edges of defined areas in the image.
            a. True.
            b. False.
63. In the actions palette a modal control pauses an action so that you can specify values in a dialog box or use a modal tool.
            a. True.
            b. False.
64. You can add notes and audio annotations anywhere on a Photoshop image canvas.
a. True.
            b. False.
65. When adjusting out of gamut colors or making color corrections in RGB mode, CMYK colors can be previewed in an RGB image.
            a. True.
            b. False.
66. Assigning a URL to a slice makes the entire slice area a hotspot, when a user clicks in the hotspot, the Web browser links to the specified URL and target frame.
            a. True.
            b. False.
67. The “Magnetic lasso tool” is especially useful for quickly selecting objects with complex edges set against high-contrast backgrounds.
            a. True.
            b. False.
68. “Merge Down” merges selected layer with the layer below it.
            a. True.
            b. False.
69. Snapshots are not saved with the image. Closing an image deletes its snapshots.
            a. True.
            b. False.
70. The magic wand, smudge, or pattern stamp tools can be used for applying color sampled from pixels on the all visible layers.
            a. True.
            b. False.
71. The “Blur More” filter produces an effect three or four times stronger than that of the Blur filter.
            a. True.
            b. False.
72. The “Preset Manager” allows you to easily reuse or share preset sets.
            a. True.
            b. False.
73. Choosing the “No Image type”(in the Slice options window) for a slice lets you enter text that will appear in the slice area of the resulting Web page.
            a. True.
            b. False.
74. The “Render filter” creates 3D shapes, cloud patterns, refraction patterns, and simulated light reflections in an image.
            a. True
            a. False
75. We cannot change the opacity of an image that has only a background, or a locked layer.
            a. True
            b. False
76. Adding nontransparent layers to an image increases its file size.
            a. True.
            b. False.
77. The painting and toning tools, tool options, view commands, and window commands cannot be recorded.
            a. True.
            b. False.
78. For “Creating Type” you need to add a new layer in the layer palette.
a. True.
            b. False.
79. You can apply transformations to the background as a layer. You cannot however, transform selections on the background.
a. True.
b. False.
80. For the “Magnetic lasso tool”, a higher value detects lower-contrast edges; a lower value detects only edges that contrast sharply with their surroundings.
            a. True.
            b. False.
81. Channels cannot be rearranged or duplicated within or between images.
            a. True.
            b. False.
82. If corrections are made to an “Adjustment layer”, changes reside not only in the adjustment layer but also alter pixels in the image.
            a. True.
            b. False.
83. You cannot insert a path when recording an action or after it has been recorded.
            a. True.
            b. False.
84. It is possible to drag italicized commands from the History palette to the Actions palette.
            a. True.
            b. False.
85. The “Info palette” only displays information about the color values beneath the pointer.
            a. True.
            b. False.
86. The “Line tool” is used to create curved lines.
            a. True.
            b. False.
87. For type layers, preserve Transparency in the layer’s palette is switched on by default and cannot be turned off.
            a. True.
            b. False.

Last Option 'All of the Above/None of the Above'
88. What does the option “discontinuous” in the Background eraser tool mean?
            a. To erase areas that contain the sampled color and are connected to one another.
            b. To erase the sampled color wherever it occurs in the layer.
c. To erase connected areas containing the sampled color, while better preserving the
            sharpness of object edges.

d. None of the above.
89. What is “Clone Aligned” option in “Rubber stamp tool” used for?
            a. Selecting and using a pattern for painting purposes.
            b. Applying the entire sampled area once, no matter how many times you stop.
            c. Erasing.     
            d. All of the above.
90. What does “Smudge tool” let you do?
            a. It spreads color pixels across an area of an image.
            b. It samples the last saved version of the file.
            c. It darkens the areas in an image.
            d. All of the above.
91. What is the role of “The Eye dropper tool”?
            a. It is used to sample colours in an image.
            b. It is used to change the colour of the image.
            c. It is used to change the coloured image into black & white.
            d. None of the above.
92. What does “Image’s color mode” contain?
            a. The number of layers in the image.
            b. The number of color channels created.
            c. Both a and b.
            d. None of the above.
93. What does “Opacity option” in Eraser tool let you do?
            a. Allows you to control the pressure of erasing.
            b. Allows you to choose the eraser as a paint brush, air brush, pencil or block.
            c. Controls the rate at which the eraser stroke fades.
            d. None of the above.
94. Which of the below will be most suitable for resizing and resampling images for printed or online display.
            a. Edit > Transform.
            b. Help > Resize image.
            c. Both a and b.
            d. None of the above.
95. What does “RGB color mode” stand for?
            a. Red Green Blue.
            b. Red Green Black.
            c. Red Gray Blue.
            d. None of the above.
96. Which “Tool” is shown in the image?
            a. Lasso Tool.
            b. Magnetic Lasso tool.
            c. Polygonal Lasso tool.
            d. None of the above.
97. In which mode, can modal control be set?
            a. In the list mode.
            b. In the button mode.
            c. In any of the above.
            d. None of the above.
98. Which of the below is the only way to affect multiple layers at once?
            a. Rendering layers.
            b. Merging layers.
            c. Adjustment layers.
            d. None of the above.
99. In CMYK mode, “K” stands for:
            a. Blue.          
b. Black.        
c. Green.        
d. None of the above.
100. What does “Once” in the Sampling option in the background eraser tool mean?
            a. To sample colors continuously as you drag.
            a. To erase only areas containing the color that you first click.
            a. To erase only areas containing the current background color.
            a. None of the above.
101. What does the “Image Size” command let you do?
            a. Adjust the pixel dimensions of an image.
            b. Adjust the print dimensions of an image.
            c. Adjust the resolution of an image.
            d. All of the above.
102. What is the role of the “History palette” in Photoshop?
            a. To create a document from a state or snapshot.
            b. To revert to a previous state of an image.
            c. To delete an image’s states.
            d. None of the above.
103. What is the role of the “Crop tool”?
            a. To display that a tool is active.
            b. To display that a tool also has hidden tools within it.
            c. To show that various options are provided.
            d. None of the above options.
104. Why is “Type” given in gradient tool option?
            a. For applying gradient on text.
            b. For selecting the type of gradient.
            c. For specifying the effects to the gradient.
            d. None of the above.
105. Which of the below steps has to be performed to delete all annotations of the same type?
            a. Right-click an annotation icon to display the context menu and choose Delete All
            Notes or  Delete All Audio Annotations.

            b. Press Backspace or Delete.
            c. Double-click the icon.
            d. All of them
106. What information does the “Info palette” of the Measure tool contain?
            a. The starting location (X and Y).
            b. The horizontal (W) and vertical (H) distances traveled from the X and Y axes.
            c. The angle measured relative to the axis(A).
            d. All of the above.
107. What does “Flatten Image” let you do?
            a. It allows you to compress all layers into a single layer.
            b. It allows you to combine all layers into a background layer.
            c. Both a and b.
            d. None of the above.
108. What does the option “Auto Erase” for the pencil tool let you do?
            a. Lets you paint the foreground color over areas containing the background color.
            b. Lets you paint the background color over areas containing the foreground color.
            c. Both a and b.
            d. None of the above.
109. Changing pixel dimensions…
            a. Affects only the size of an image.
            b. Affects only the image quality.
            c. Affects only the printed characteristics of an image.
            d. All of the above.
 110. A modal control pauses an action so that you can specify values in a dialog box or use a modal tool. What is the result if you do not set a modal control?
            a. Dialog boxes do not appear when you play the action.
            b. You cannot change the recorded values.
            c. Both a and b.
            d. None of the above.
111. Which of the below is the advantage of working in RGB mode?
            a. It can save memory and improve performance.
            b. It provides more device independence.
            c. Both a and b.
            d. None of the above.
112. Which of the below defines the purpose of creating a Slice from an image?
            a. A slice of an image is created to make links.
            b. A slice of an image is created to make rollovers and animations.
            c. A slice of an image is created to selectively optimize an image for Web viewing.
            d. All of the above.

 If you have any question please let me know. Comment or Email me at dropout.du@gmail.com

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